We maximize added value for our customers through die&molds and CNC powder compacting press.

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Quality / Environment Policy

Policy on quality

Foundational principles on quality

Based on a business involving dies, molds,(die&mold) and powder compacting machines(press), Kobayashi Industry Co., Ltd. adheres to relevant laws and public regulations, and practices management that meets customer needs and expectations in order to benefit industry development and contribute to the creation of a rich society.

Policy on quality

Kobayashi Industry Co., Ltd. pursues management policies that satisfy our customers and strives to improve the quality of business activities, products, and services associated with the production and sales of various dies & molds, powder compacting machines, and labor-saving machines, and manufacturing of rust prevention water conversion systems.

  1. We regard providing products that satisfy customers as the most important issue, and promote continuous improvements that meet customer needs and expectations.
  2. We adhere to relevant laws, regulations, and other agreed-to requirements.
  3. We set quality goals, and conduct assessments and revisions on a regular basis or as needed to make improvements and enhancements.
  4. All employees participate and strive to understand the policy on quality and boost awareness of quality.
  5. Management reviews are implemented to examine the appropriateness of our company's quality management system, and improvements are made on a regular basis.

Date of Establishment: June 1, 2003 / Date of Revision: June 1, 2018

Kenichiro Kobayashi, President
Kobayashi Industry Co., Ltd.

Environmental policy

Environmental principles

Based on a business involving dies, molds, and powder compacting machines, Kobayashi Industry Co., Ltd. recognizes that preserving and protecting the earth's environment is an important mission and practices management that takes the environment into consideration in order to benefit industry development and contribute to the creation of a rich society.

Environmental policy

To pass on the earth's abundant nature and future society to the next generations, Kobayashi Industry Co., Ltd. actively tackles activities that help society and the environment. Our company is conscious of environmental impact stemming from our business activities, products and services, and has constructed an environmental management system to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.

  1. We recognize that tackling environmental preservation is one of the most important issues in management, uphold our promises to decrease environmental impact and prevent environmental pollution, and promote continuous improvement activities.
  2. We adhere to applicable environment-related laws, regulations, and other agreed-to requirements regarding environmental aspects and promote management of chemical substances.
  3. We set environmental goals and targets, and develop environmental preservation activities, as well as carry out assessments and revisions on a regular basis or as needed to make improvements and enhancements.
  4. All employees participate and strive to understand the environmental policy for all employees and associated company employees to boost environmental awareness.
  5. We communicate with public organizations and regional residents, and participate in environmental activities in the local community.
  6. The following improvement activities that decrease environmental impact are continuously promoted.
     1)We promote CO2 emission reduction and strive to save energy and resources.
     2)We promote a waste reduction and recycling.
     3)We promote the purchase of green products that are environmentally friendly.
     4)We promote communication with the local community.

Date of Establishment: June 1, 2002 / Date of Revision: June 1, 2018

Kenichiro Kobayashi, President
Kobayashi Industry Co., Ltd.

64rd Term Environmental Goals Performance Report

Created By: Quality & Environment management Dept. / Date Created: June 13, 2024

64nd Term Environmental Goals Performance Report

*In addition, environmental goals (design for environment) unique to each division have been established, and activities that reduce environmental load are being promoted.
*Our regional social contribution actions include removing weeds along Route 7, conducting clean-up activities, and participating in clean-up activities at Honjo Marina and Koyoshi River as a part of our environmental protection efforts.
*There were periods during which the reduction rate could not be calculated due to various circumstances in the prevention of global warming.