We maximize added value for our customers through die&molds and CNC powder compacting press.

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Company outline

Company outline

Company name Kobayashi Industry Co., Ltd.
Address 1-372 Akahage, Ishiwaki, Yuri-Honjo-City, Akita 015-8686,Japan
Date of establishment July 1, 1952
Capital 50 million yen
No. of employees 197
Business contents Various die & mold, CNC powder compacting machine, Die set
Clients Carbide and ceramics makers, electronic component makers
Banks Hokuto Bank Honjo Branch, Akita Bank Honjo Branch
Factory area Lot 45,070㎡、Building 15,510㎡


July 1952

Tadahiko Kobayashi establishes Kobayashi Industry in Satobatake, Honjo (present-day Yurihonjo) as a factory associated with TDK Corporation.

July 1952

December 1960 Reorganized into Kobayashi Industry Co., Ltd. with 7 million yen in capital.
June 1964 The factory is damaged by the Niigata Earthquake and rebuilt.
July 1967 Capital is increased to 10 million yen.
November 1970

Capital is increased to 20 million yen.

November 1970

October 1973 Yashima Kobayashi Industry Co., Ltd. is established in Yashima (present-day Yurihonjo).
March 1976 Ikawa Machine Industry Co., Ltd. is established in Ikawa.
September 1977 Kobayashi Radio Industry Co., Ltd. is established in Honjo (present-day Yurihonjo).
October 1984 An additional components factory is built in Ishiwaki Aza Akahage, Honjo (present-day Yurihonjo).
November 1984 Nishine Industry Co., Ltd. is established in Nishine, Iwate prefecture (present-day Hachimantai).
October 1986 Capital is increased to 50 million yen.
May 1989

The factory is moved in its entirety to Ishiwaki Aza Akahage, Honjo (present-day Yurihonjo).

May 1989

November 1990 Tadahiko Kobayashi is awarded the Akita Prefecture Culture and Distinguished Services Prize
July 1991 Kenichiro Kobayashi becomes president.
March 2000 Acquires ISO9001 certification.
April 2003 Acquires ISO14001 certification.
December 2010

Enters into an agency agreement in Europe (Germany) for the CNC powder compacting machine.

December 2010

February 2015

KOBAYASHI KANAGATA (THAILAND) is established in Thailand.

February 2015

June 2018

The ferrite processing business (Trial manufacturing Dept.) was transferred/consolidated to Yashima Kobayashi Industry.

June 2018

The Board of Directors

President Kenichiro Kobayashi
Executive Vice President Yuki Kobayashi
Managing Director Kaoru Takizawa
Director Toshiro Yoshihara(Technical Director)
Director Masaki Satoh(Director of Manufacturing Department)
Director Tsukasa Yanagita(Director of Sales Department)
Auditor Koichi Kimura

Organizational structure

Organizational structure

Access map

Access map

〈Google MAP〉